5 Powerful Games to Manifest Money

If you’re having difficulty manifesting money, you might be approaching it from the wrong angle. Your pursuit of money may be due to an experience of not having enough; but trying to create anything from a place of neediness, scarcity, or lack will slow down, or even halt, your manifestations.

A much better approach is to generate feelings of playfulness and abundance. Having an attitude of abundance and excitement is the best vibe for manifesting money.

Here are 5 games to help you get the playful vibes flowing:.

1. I Have Money Everywhere Game

This game helps generate a feeling of abundance by making you more aware and appreciative of the money that you do have. It came about when I started using affirmations regarding my abundance. Super easy to play, it consists of using an affirmation and a simple action step to help you believe and really feel the affirmation when you say it.

Here’s how to play:

Start by placing money all throughout your home and anywhere you can think of. The amount doesn’t matter; a penny works just as much as a dollar. Some of the places I love to place a little change are in my dresser; bed, purse, bra, pockets and mailbox. Once you get started, you may discover that you already have money in most of these places. After you’ve put money in all of the places that you can think of, begin to affirm all of the places you have money while emitting a feeling of surety and gratitude.

For example:

“I have money in my pocket, I have money in my purse, I have money in my dresser, I have money in my mailbox; etc.

If you have money outside your home, give thanks and affirm your money in those places too; for example:

 “I have money in my car, I have money in the bank, I have money in my business, I have money in my 401k, I have money in stocks, I have money in paypal etc.

Once you get on a rant about all the places you have money a playful feeling of gratitude and abundance ensues.


If you’ve been having a hard time manifesting money, you may be approaching it from the wrong angle. Trying to create anything from a place of neediness, scarcity, or too much seriousness will slow down, or even halt, your manifestations. Those kinds of vibes will get you nowhere, or make things worse by attracting more of what you don’t want.

A much better approach is to generate feelings of playfulness. Having an attitude of fun and excitement is the best vibe for manifesting money.

Here are 8 games to help you get the playful vibes flowing.

2. The Wallet Game

This game is one of twenty-two processes in the book Ask and It Is Given by Abraham-Hicks: Put $100 in your pocket or purse and keep it with you at all times. $20 or $50 will work too, but $100 is better. As you go through your day, think of things that you could buy with the money: “I could buy that. I could do this.” If you spend that $100 mentally one thousand times, you have vibrationally spent $100,000. By mentally spending this money again and again, you practice the vibration of financial abundance and the Universe responds to your vibration by matching it with manifested abundance.

3. The Prosperity Game

This is another game offered in the book Ask and It Is Given: Start by establishing an imaginary checking account. There will be no actual bank involved but you will be making deposits and withdrawals just as if it were an actual account. You can use an old checkbook, a notebook, or a spreadsheet on your computer. Make it feel as real to you as possible.

On the first day, make a $1000 deposit entry into your checkbook register, then write checks to spend that money. You can spend it all on one thing or on several different things. On the second day, deposit $2000 and spend it. On the third day deposit $3000 and spend it, and so on. If you play this game for one year you will have spent more than $66 million.

You can play this game for a short time or for a year or more. Over a period of a few weeks your ability to imagine will expand tremendously as it will begin to take real concentration to spend that much money. Since it is an imagination game there is no fear of overspending.

“Playing this game will cause you to offer a more expansive, expectant vibration. And it is our promise to you that manifestation will begin to arrive in response to your changed vibration.” – Abraham-Hicks


4. Magic Money

Melanie from Magic and Wisdom offers this game on her website: Consider how much money you would like to manifest by the end of the month then write as many examples as you can of how that money might come to you. She says no idea is too crazy – the crazier the better!

Here is one of her examples: “I’m out for a walk and discover a beautiful, impeccably groomed dog hiding under a hedge. I take him home and give him some food and water, taking the time to love on him a bit. I call the number on his collar and his very rich and very appreciative mommy comes to pick him up. She is so happy to have her much loved, and prized, show dog back that she writes me a cheque for $5k to say thanks.”

This game will get your imagination flowing and open you up to new ways of receiving money.

5. The Allowance Game

This game comes from Nneka Kelly at Woo Biz Coach: Remember getting an allowance when you were a kid? Well this time your parents are not the ones dictating whether or not you get an increase. This time you get to decide! Throughout the day say the statement “I am increasing my allowance.” It’s a great pun on the word allowance and opens you up to the abundance of the Universe.

Nneka says “It’s a soft, but effective affirmation.”